1. The data that a consultancy company like Capgemini uses absolutely depends upon what kind of information has to collect. The information that they use can be varied, and can include a diversified range of resources. Like for example an efficient use of databases based in-house can be used, in addition to them, public databases can also be taken into account(Holt & Yandell, 2011). Also the on ground research can be used to get the right information. Capgemini might also consider using SEC filings, annual reports, and the purchase market reports from many other firms that have had enterprise license to research. Or some research can also be done with the internal company staff and the relevant information can be gathered accordingly (Alavi & Leidner, 2001).


  1. The data hence collected has to be effectively and diligently processed to become valuable information for the consultancy company, which in case that we have right now is Capgemini. The key to data becoming the right information is considering the data as a prized, precious and treasured asset(Gold, et al., 2001). When it is harnessed the right way, it drives business insight and helps in bringing innovations and improvements in the working of the consultancy company (Barnett & Kedem, 1991). Through the wise use of artificial intelligence, modern technology and contemporary state of the art resources, and pushing the old traditional worn out business ideas far behind, the data would henceforth be transformed into such an information that would quickly accelerate the business whatsoever and would also in a great charming way ensure excellence giving Capgemini an advantage over other consultancy companies which instead of playing the smart move on their data, preferred to stick with the old ideas and hence could never bring the data in light of knowledge to help build greater gains and bigger profits and advantages for the company (Chan & Janjarasjit, 2019).




Alavi, M. & Leidner, D., 2001. Knowledge management and knowledge management systems: Conceptual foundations and research issues. MIS quarterly, pp. 107-136.

Barnett, J. & Kedem, B., 1991. Zero-crossing rates of functions of Gaussian processes. IEEE transactions on information theory, 37(4), pp. 1188-1194.

Chan, S. & Janjarasjit, S., 2019. Insight into hackers’ reaction toward information security breach. International Journal of Information Management, Volume 49, pp. 388-396.

Gold, A., Malhotra, A. & Segars, A., 2001. Knowledge management: An organizational capabilities perspective. Journal of management information systems, 18(1), pp. 185-214.

Holt, C. & Yandell, M., 2011. MAKER2: an annotation pipeline and genome-database management tool for second-generation genome projects. BMC bioinformatics, 12(1), p. 491.


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